Site Log


Now you can enable or disable share and comment for specific pages/posts by setting the share and comment falg in the front matter for the page/post.

for example, if you set share as share: false then the “share to” will disabled.

Notice: In order to use share and commet. you must first set duoshuo_shortname in _config.yml and key variable in the front matter for the page/post.


Now you can choose the frame style of the picture for specific pages/posts, just set the picture-frame variable in the front matter for the page/post.

for example, if you set picture-frame as picture-frame: shadow, then the picture in the post would surrounded by shadow, see the pictures in this post.

more styles are comming soon.


Now you can use Emoji at any page of this site. you can use the Emoji keyword :wink: to get :wink: , you can find more keywords at

Thanks to emojify.js, great job !!


The NEW blog site is online at gitpages :octocat: with a new url I call it “Thomas’s blog”, simple and straightforward.


I design and write the theme, it cost me a lot of time, but it’s worthy. I learn a lot from this site.

Get more details at 新的一年,新的博客.


First domain in my life! “”, what an awesome name. :ghost: :ghost: :ghost:


I migrate my blog site from gitpages to gitcafe, since the latter visit faster in China Mainland, and Baiduspider is not welcome at gitpages.


My first personal blog is online at gitpages :sunglasses: . I call it “天马行空”. It use pelican-bootstrap3 theme.


Home page


Article page

It is my old blog site. You can now find it at I won’t update it anymore, but it will remain for some time.